Possible meeting times: Fridays at 4:30 or 5?

Topics and background

Over the last decade, there has been a wealth of new applications of homotopy-theoretic techniques to Floer homology in low-dimensional topology and symplectic geometry, including Manolescu’s disproof of the high-dimensional Triangulation Conjecture and Abouzaid-Blumberg’s proof of the Arnol’d Conjecture in finite characteristic. Conversely, results in Floer theory and categorification have opened new directions of research in homotopy theory, from string topology to S-Lie algebras

The idea of stable homotopy refinements of Floer homology was first introduced by Cohen, Jones, and Segal in a 1994 paper, but it was only in the last decade that this idea became a key tool in low-dimensional and symplectic topology. The two crowning achievements of these techniques so far are Manolescu's use of his Pin(2)-equivariant Seiberg--Witten Floer homotopy type to resolve the Triangulation Conjecture and Abouzaid-Blumberg's use of Floer homotopy theory and Morava K-theory to prove the general Arnol'd Conjecture in finite characteristic. During this period, a range of related techniques, included under the umbrella of Floer homotopy theory, have also led to important advances, including involutive Heegaard Floer homology, Smith theory for Lagrangian intersections, homotopy coherence, and further connections between string topology and Floer theory. These in turn have sparked developments in algebraic topology, ranging from developments on Lie algebras in derived algebraic geometry to new computations of equivariant Mahowald invariants to new results on topological Hochschild homology.

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